I can’t tell you how happy I am it is Thursday!  YEAH!!    Today will be a very long day for me.  I have to go to the office for a bit and then I am heading to southern MN for a placment and IEP meeting.   It is about 1.5 hour drive each way.  I should get to listen to alot of my book on tape today!    That makes the drive go much faster.    Then tonight Erik has a conference at 6:45 so if I get back into town in time my hubby REALLY wants me to be there.   It isn’t an IEP it is conferences so I really think he can handle it, but he hates to be there without me.  We will see if I make it into town in time or not. 

Today Josh is taking the day off school since he is going to the HOckey game as his school is in the state tourment at the Xcel Center.      The school is allowing excused absenses to go to the game.   Unfortunately this year they don’t have a fan bus so he has to drive to downtown St Paul.   He is very responsible, but I still worry. I am a Mom. 

Tomorrow I am working from home all day.  Tommy has preschool in the Am and I have a Dr appt.  In the afternoon I have to wait around for the furnance guy to come and look at the furnance.   Ever since they fixed it in January, it has been leaking water out of it, off and on.   So I thought we better get that checked out. 

Our weekend is very busy too….we are going to take Tommy to his first movie and Josh is going on a fundraiser for his mission trip.  He is selling impact cards (discount cards for local businesses).  Sunday we are going to a family birthday party.   There goes my afternoon naps all weekend.   ARGH…..

I better go dry my hair and put on my makeup.   I need to get to the office and take care of some things before I leave town.  Have a great day!  

6 thoughts on “

  1. What movie are y’all seeing this weekend?  Have a good time (and I love the “new” St. Patrick’s Day backgrounds…I’ve been mia for a while)!


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