Today is my children’s first day of Sunday School. We weren’t there last Sunday s we were at my company picnic at the Twins game. Erik is in the 5th grade class with Bob as his teacher, whom we really like. Tommy is starting in the new 2-year -old classroom. I am not sure who the teacher for that age group is. I hope he does ok. I might have to stay with him for a while as he is used to going to nursey instead of an actual Sunday school class.

I only have a couple of things on my list to finsish to today, but they could take a while.

Clean Kitchen
Laundry – AWAY
Straighten my bedroom

I will be very busy during nap time and hopefully get most of it done.

midwestblahs – I was at the drug store yesterday to pick up my asthma meds and vitamins. I saw the ones from one a day you were mentioning and decided to try them out.

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