My week of doing things I have put off way too long …….

I am finally getting the auto glass repaired in my car and Paul’s truck. Don’t ask me how long it has been.

The appraiser came this morning. He asked me what I told the mortgage company I thought the house was worth. I told him 170,000. He said that was a conservative amount, he said more like over 200,000. Cool, so that should mean my loan will go through fine. I will be able to refinance at a lower rate. That will be nice. I did not do any cash out as i think you get into trouble when you do that sometimes. You spend the money on new things and then you still have that debt.

I am using the Debt Free computer program to set up a pay off schedule for all our credit cards, etc. Should take 2 years and all will be paid off. That will be a nice feeling, now to jsut stick with the plan. Hopefully my car will make it a bit longer so I can work on paying things off.

Well I am off to hang with tommy until nap time. I have to watch Kristen at 11:30 for a bit too. Another busy day.

Tonight for Supper:
Rice & Bean Burritos

Clean off the top of the fridge
Clean off top of Microwave
Update quicken
Do my last procrastination projecT

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