Weekend Update………

Whew as always the weekend sped by at record speed.   Friday was pretty mellow, Erik had a friend, Austin sleep over.  They were up until all hours of the night.  I heard them messing around in the bathroom in the middle of the night and had to get up to see what they were doing.   Erik had to get up for Karate on Saturday morning and that was difficult for him.

After Karate we were going to go to the park, but Tommy and Kristen both were crabby so I had to put them down for a nap.  So I ran to the store to buy stuff to make smores and some pop. etc for the bonfire.  We had our first bonfire of the season on Saturday night.  A number of neighbors come over and we enjoyed the weather and a few beers.  I actually came in the house early as I was so tired.  I put Tommy to bed at around 9:00 or 10:00 and then I went to bed and just put Kristen in bed with me.     Her parents didn’t get here to pick her and Nick up until really late!  ARGH!!   I gave Kristen a basket of board books and she looked at them on my bed with I dozed in and out. 

Even though we were all up so late on Saturday night we were able to get up and make it to church on time.  Small miracle.   They we did our usually going out to eat, but Old Country Buffet was too full so we had to go across the street to Denny’s. 

Once home Paul, Tommy and I had to go run a couple of errands.  I needed to buy some baby sun screen for Tommy and of course jarred prunes and prune juice.      Then we took Tommy for a long walk.  I took his socks off and he loved letting his toes be in the breeze while he rode in his stroller.  We went for  about a 20 minute walk, when it was nap time.  Tommy loves being outside.  I even had him out most of the night at the bonfire.   If he is cranky you can just sit outside with him and he is fine.

He is a bit crabby this weekend since his second lower tooth is working its way through.  It has almost broke through.  Well I suppose Tommy is waiting patiently in his crib for me to get him up.  I better go defrost his mangoes and feed the boy.

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