Hello everyone. I decided to start this log for two reasons:
1) Just to vent, my hubby and I are in the midst of infertility treatment and I want to talk about it.

2) To have a log of what we are going through so that others may provide us support, but don’t need to always be asking me about how it is going. Sometimes I am just not up to talking about it.

My hubby and I each have a child from a previous relationship, but have not been able to conceive a child together yet. So I promise this will be a journey which will definitely have it’s ups and downs. I am sure praying for more ups than downs.

OSTARA – this is the name of the Norse goddess of fertility, maybe that will help!!!

So thanks for joining our journey to have a baby.

0 thoughts on “

  1. Welcome to Xanga. Here are your first two eProps. Take them with plenty of water. I’m pretty sure they will help with fertility. They’ll be at least as good as Ostara.

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